
Maayan Therapeutics aims at developing bio-science products to improve Human Health.


Maayan Natural Beauty is the first of a series of cosmetics products bases on Growth Factors aimed at improving human Health. Our longer term ambition is to re-invest profits from our cosmetics products into medical projects such as  the creation of new blood vessels to treat Coronary Artery disease and Peripheral vascular

About Maayan Therapeutics

Maayan Therapeutics was founded by Scientists from the Hebrew University based on a simple business model:

  • Use scientific knowledge and experience to develop nature based products for the cosmetics sector that have a short time to market.
  • Re-invest income to finance research and development of novel treatments for most pressing human diseases.

Long term projects

  1. A novel method to induce new blood vessel formation to treat Peripheral and Coronary Artery Disease.
  2. A systemic approach to stop metastasis development in lung cancer.